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How Many Calories Should I Eat In A Day?


Having a balanced calorie intake determines that you can maintain a healthy body profile.  The appropriate calories intake is based on several factors like metabolism, age, degree of physical activity and also gender.

 In general, the recommended calories intake is as follows:

ü  Women: 2,000 calories per day.

ü  Men: 2,500 calories per day.

But, there will be several factors involved when you try to answer the question- how many calories should I eat in a day?

What do calories signify?

The calories signify the amount of energy a food or a drink contains. The total amount of energy that you should intake is based on several factors including:

Ø  Age: Growing children and teenagers require a higher amount of energy.

Ø  Level of activity:  Your level of activity in your lifestyle also reflects how many calories you require.

Ø  Your body’s size: The height and the weight of your body also determine your body’s calorie requirement.

Ø  Hormonal changes: Certain hormones directly affect metabolism. Thyroid hormone will determine how much energy you burn.

Ø  Several medicines: Prescription medications like glucocorticoids (anti-inflammatory drugs) also determine the number of calories you will need.

Ø  Your health status: If your body is suffering from certain conditions like diabetes r acute ailments like hay fever, this too will affect the calorie need f your body. Apart from this, stress on the mind will also result in an imbalance in metabolism and a fluctuating calorie requirement.

Ø  What do ‘Kilocalories’ on food packets mean?

Ø  Calorie is the short form of kilocalories. On food packets, you will find the kilocalories description of their content. Kilojoules are equivalent kilocalories that you will burn with physical activity.

Ø  Various Situations Needing Calorie Intake Calculation


o   Weight loss: It is necessary to lose weight healthily. You should be using more energy and eating healthily. Do not am for abrupt or sudden acute weight loss as it results in several health issues. Rather, go for a gradual and reasonable weight loss plan. This is known as healthy weight loss.

o   Maintenance of a healthy weight: Use the BMI calculator to find out about the balance in the number of calories you should consume through drink and food and the number of calories that you will burn through physical activity.

o   Gaining weight: If your body mass index is less than 18.5, you must consult a GP to find out how you can gain weight. You have to consume a greater number of calorie that your body burns.

Apart from this, teenagers may have specific calorie intake requirements according to the changes their bodies undergo. Find out more about how many calories should I eat a day as per your individual needs by reaching out to AllStar.Ph.


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