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Top 20 Best productivity Apps of 2020

Nowadays smartphones with larger screens and powerful processors can be converted into mobile workstations for enabling you to manage your tasks when you are out.But there are lots of productivity apps available and which ones you should use? Well, we have chosen the best productivity apps that you should give a try.


Todoist is the multi-platform planner application keeping things handy with a distinct and gimmick-free approach for managing the tasks. Having a compelling natural language engine, easily modifying a written down thought in one-off or recurring jobs and having productivity charts that register your process, this great app is very useful for getting your things done effectively. This application is available to download on both IOS and Android.

If you are a busy person then there may be a possibility that you can forget daily tasks and chores but using the app you will be able to manage your schedule on track with to-do lists, notes, and reminders. Free to download for both the Android and IOS systems this app enables you also to share and assign tasks to others. This best productivity app also enables you to sync between desktop, phone, web, and tablet for keeping your lists up to date.


Having trouble with keeping track of your business and professional contacts? Then don't worry as productivity app Cloze makes all-in-one contacts, email command center, and social network. To keep your profiles and data up to date, this productivity app syncs data from your social networks and emails.

Toggl Track

Available to download for free on IOS and Android, Toggl Track is a time tracking app for both desktop and mobile to keep tabs on your time. The added tools in this app help you manage tag entries for easy auditing, bulk edit, and reporting along with the capability of importing or exporting the data in PDF or CSV forms.

Adobe Acrobat Reader

Adobe Acrobat Reader is the best productivity app enabling users to view and sign their PDFs. You can open PDF files from the web, email, or app by using the Adobe Acrobat Reader. You can even comment on the PDFs by utilizing sticky notes and drawing tools.

Reach out to to learn more about productivity app.


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